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CAC BRNO (CZ) 13.1.2018

Beetowen Český Grand šampion! Brixi Šampion ČMKU! Brillante Český šampion

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Beetowen s Brixi  – 2. nejlepší pár v sobotu = 2BIS couple of all breed ! 

C.I.B. Beetowen Di Assonanza – National Winner 2018, BOB, 4 BIG FCI VI., new " Czech Grand Champion ".

C.I.B. Brixi Di Assonanza – National Winner 2018, BOS, new " Champion of CMKU"!!!! 

JCh. Brillante Di Assonanza – new " Czech champion. " 

C.I.B. Argo Di Assonanza – 3 BIS honour cl. saturday


NEWS SHOWS 17-2-2018Komentáře (1)